You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Customer Self Service > Knowledge Base > Most Popular Solutions

Most Popular Solutions

The most popular solutions are usually listed on the Customer Home Page (the Administrator may have configured a different view for your home page).  These are ranked by their popularity with other Customers.  To view the details of a Solution, simply click the number.  The Description area of the Solution may contain step-by-step instructions, an answer to a question, or a reference to another site for more information. 

The Solution may also contain one or more file attachments.  These files were included by an Agent or Administrator to help illustrate a Solution.  They may include patches, documents or images.  Simply click on the name of an attachment to view it, or right-click on the name to save it to your local machine.

At the bottom of each Solution, you will see the question “Was this Solution useful to you?”  Check the appropriate answer (Yes or No) based on whether the solution helped you with your problem or question.  It is completely anonymous; only your response is recorded, not your contact information.  Responses are saved and tallied by FootPrints for the “Popularity” ranking.