You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Advanced Issue Types > Master Quick Issues > Master Issue Closure Process

Master Issue Closure Process

When a Master Issue is created from the Master Quick Issue template, the associated Subtasks are created automatically.  Two options are available for closing a Master Issue when the Subtasks are completed. To select an option:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | Automated Workflow | Issue Workflow | Subtask Closure Process from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. Upon closing the last active subtask, there are two options:
  3. The system automatically closes the Master Issue and sends the assignee an email confirmation.
  4. An email is automatically sent to the assignee(s) of the Master Issue informing them that all Subtasks have been closed.  The assignee of the Master Issue can then review the Subtasks and close the Master Issue manually.


The option selected here affects all Master Issues and Subtasks in the Workspace, including both those created manually and those created using a Master Quick Issue template.

  1. After selecting an option, enter you administrator password and click GO.