You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Address Book Administration > Populating the Address Book > LDAP/Exchange Address Book Field Mapping

LDAP Address Book Field Mapping

The LDAP Address Book Field Mapping screen appears after LDAP Address Book Configuration is complete only if an existing Address Book is being converted. New Address Books do not require this step. This screen is also displayed if the LDAP configuration for an Address Book is altered.

When an LDAP Address Book configuration has been changed, the administrator can minimize the disruption to the database caused by the change. When creating new Issues, contact information is stored according to the Address Book fields selected. Were these fields to change, part of the contact information would be lost. By mapping the new LDAP Address Book fields to previously existing Address Book fields, disruption is minimized.

Available LDAP Attributes

A list of available LDAP Attributes is in the left column at the bottom of the page.  These are attributes found on the LDAP server based upon the search base provided in your LDAP configuration.  Each of these attributes is available to match to the current schema, as described below.

FootPrints Field Names to Map to LDAP

The second column at the bottom of the page contains a table, which contains two columns.  The first column is a list of all fields in the current schema.  The second column contains a drop-down select box for each of those fields.  This select box allows the administrator to delete the field or to map the field to any of the LDAP attributes which were listed as available for use.  Although some LDAP attributes are obvious in how they relate to the FootPrints fields, others are not.  The LDAP administrator should assist in mapping LDAP attributes to FootPrints fields.

It is important that a proper mapping is made so that the contact information previously entered in the issue entries matches the Address Book and you are required to delete or map every field.

Once all selections have been made and the GO button is pressed, the Administrator enters the LDAP Field Setup page.