You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Knowledge Base > Knowledge Base Search Options > Keyword Search of External Knowledge Bases

Keyword Search of External Knowledge Bases

In addition to searching the FootPrints Knowledge Bases, the keyword search can be submitted to popular online Knowledge Bases, including Microsoft TechNet, Adobe, and Google Groups.

To perform a keyword search of an online Knowledge Base:

  1. Select from the available online Knowledge Bases using the drop-down box.  Choices may include Microsoft TechNet, HP, Adobe, Google Groups, etc.
  2. Enter the word or phrase for which to search.
  1. Click GO.  A second browser window opens with the results of the search from the selected Knowledge Base.
  2. If you are searching the Knowledge Base from an Issue page, you can copy and paste information from the external Knowledge Base into the Issue Description field if a matching Solution is found.