You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Knowledge Base > Knowledge Base Search Options > Keyword Search

Knowledge Base Keyword Search

The Keyword Search (also called "Basic Search") is available by choosing More | Knowledge Base from the FootPrints toolbar. The keyword search function is in the Browse section of the Knowledge Base page.

To perform a keyword search:

  1. Select a Knowledge Base from the drop-down box (for example, FootPrints Public Knowledge Base).
  2. If it has been configured, choose the Category in which to search. For example, you might choose to search just this workspace, solutions in all workspaces, or solutions in another category, such as categories that have been set up for specific company products. The word “Category” may have been changed by your administrator.
  3. Enter the word or phrase for which to search in the Search Results for Keyword field.
  4. Click GOFootPrints searches all fields for the keyword (including Title, Description, and any Workspace and Address Book fields configured by your Workspace administrator to allow keyword searches).
  5. A list of matching Solutions is displayed in the main frame or in the pop-up window, if you are searching from an Issue page. Click a Solution to see the Details or mouse over it to see a preview, if it is displayed in a pop-up.
  6. If you are searching the Knowledge Base from an Issue page, selecting a Solution from a FootPrints Knowledge Base automatically pastes the Solution into the Description field.