You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Knowledge Base > Knowledge Base Search Options > Knowledge Base Advanced Search

Knowledge Base Advanced Search

If the keyword search is not sufficient, the Advanced Search feature can be used to create searches with a combination of criteria. Click the Switch to Advanced Search link to use the Advanced Search. The options include:

  1. Select Advanced Search of Public KB to search Public Solutions or Advanced Search of Internal KB to search Internal Solutions.
  2. Title—Enter a word or phrase to search for in the Title field.  This field may be named something else, such as Subject.
  3. Description—Enter a word or phrase to search for in the Description field.  This field may be named something else, such as Notes.
  4. Keyword—Enter a word or phrase for which to search.  The Title, Description, and Issue Information (Workspace) fields are searched.
  5. Issue Information---The fields in this section are different depending on the Workspace fields in the current Workspace. Fill in criteria (or select one or more values for a drop-down or multi-select field) for one or more fields to return Solutions that contain that data. For example, to return Issues where the platform is Windows XP, select Win XP for Platform.
  6. On the Advanced Criteria tab, you can enter following criteria:
  1. Date—If dates are specified, the search returns only Solutions either created or last edited on, before, after, or between the specified dates.  For example, to return Issues created before January 1, 2017, choose created before, and fill in 1 1 2017 in the first date field, leaving the second date field blank.  To search on the current date, click the Current Date checkbox. Other date ranges are also available.  Refer to Advanced Search for more information.
  2. Age—If this section is filled in, the search returns Solutions based on the specified time.  Number of days and hours can be specified.  Modifiers are also provided, including Greater Than, Less Than, Equal to, Greater than or Equal to, Less than or Equal to, and Not Equal to.  For example, to return Solutions greater than three days old, choose greater than and fill in 3 for Days.  
  3. Order Search Results by—Order the Solutions returned by the specified field.  The orders are descending (most recent or highest first) or ascending (oldest or lowest first).  By default, Solutions are ordered by reference number descending.
  4. And/Or—If And is chosen, Issues must match all criteria chosen (this is the default).  If Or is chosen, only one criterion must be met.
  1. Click the Run tab and then click GO to submit the search.
    The results are displayed in the main window (or in the pop-up if searching from an Issue page).

    Note: If you are searching the Knowledge Base from an Issue page, selecting a Solution from a FootPrints Knowledge Base automatically pastes the Solution into the Description field.