You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Customer Self Service > Customer Service Portal > Instant Talk for Customers

Instant Talk

If this feature is enabled, there is an Instant Talk option in the FootPrints Toolbar.

To use the Instant Talk™ feature:

  1. Click Instant Talk in the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. A box is displayed with a list of Agents with whom you can chat.  Select an Agent and click GO.
  3. An Instant Talk window is displayed.  To chat, type something in the Message box and click Send/Refresh.
  4. Your message is displayed in the top half of the window, preceded by your name. 
  5. An Instant Talk window is also displayed automatically to the other user.  As each user enters messages, the messages are displayed in the window.
  6. To manually refresh the window, click Send/Refresh.  Otherwise, the window refreshes at the default rate set by the System Administrator.
  7. If an Agent does not respond within a few minutes, the Agent may be away or on a phone call.  You can close the session and restart, this time choosing a different Agent.
  8. To clear the Talk window, click Clear.
  9. To close the Talk window, click Close.