You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Customer Self Service > Customer Service Portal > Global Issues for Customers

Global Issues for Customers

Global Issues are known Issues that the FootPrints administrator has made available to you.  Customers can view and subscribe to Global Issues themselves (if they have permission to do so).  This saves the service desk time by allowing customers to identify their own problems and link to a central Global Issue rather than entering many disparate Issues that turn out to be the same problem.  Customers receive faster service because they receive updates automatically when the originating Global Issue is updated and eventually resolved.

To view and subscribe to Global Issues:

  1. Select Global Issues from the FootPrints Toolbar.  Global Issues are also displayed in a pop-up window when you first log into FootPrints.
  2. A pop-up window is displayed entitled Current Global Issues.  It contains a list of Global Issues currently affecting other users.
  3. To view the full description of a Global Issue, click the Title.
  4. To subscribe to a Global Issue, select Subscribe.
  5. Once you subscribe to a Global Issue, it is listed with your Requests.  You are sent email updates as the Global Issue is updated and eventually resolved.  You can view the latest status at any time by selecting View My Requests.