You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Knowledge Base > Knowledge Base Search Options > FAQs


The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) categories are available to Agents when searching the Knowledge Base.  These categories are created and maintained by the Workspace Administrator. The categories are defined by advanced search criteria and named and saved by the administrator.  Each time a category is accessed, it returns the latest Solutions that match the criteria defined for that category.

Refer to FAQ Administration for instructions on creating and maintain FAQs.

To view an FAQ:

  1. Select Frequently Asked Questions on the Knowledge Base Advanced Search page.
  2. There are two lists of FAQ categories: Public and Internal.  Public FAQs contain Solutions aimed at customers.  Internal FAQs usually contain more detailed or technical Solutions.
  3. Click the Title of the desired FAQ category.
  4. The matching Solutions for that FAQ category are displayed in the main frame (or in the pop-up window if searching from an Issue page).  Click a Solution to see the Details (or mouse over it to see a preview if displayed in a pop-up).
  5. If you are accessing FAQs from an Issue page, selecting a Solution from a FAQ automatically pastes the Solution into the Description field.


Public FAQ categories are also viewable by customers.