You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Automated Workflow > Escalation Email

Escalation Email

The information that is included in escalation email can be configured to include certain fields.  To configure the default escalation email for a Workspace, select Administration | Workspace | Escalation from the FootPrints Toolbar, then click the Configure Escalation Email link on the main Escalation Setup page. To configure the email template for a particular rule (doing this for a particular rule does not affect the template), select Configure in Step 4:  Escalation Actions on the Set Up Escalation page.  The form you use to set up the escalation email is the same regardless of whether you are configuring the email for a template or for a particular rule.

  1. Either select Administration | Workspace | Escalation from the FootPrints Toolbar, then click the Configure Escalation Email link on the main Escalation Setup page to configure the email template, or select the Configure link in Step 4:  Escalation Actions on the Set Up Escalation page.  A pop-up window is displayed.
  2. If previous templates have been created, you can select one to edit or delete by clicking the appropriate radio button and then selecting the template from the drop-down list.  To create a new template, click the Create radio button and then click GO using the Default selection, or choose an existing template, making that the basis for the new template, and click GO.
  3. Subject of Mail—Click the Edit icon to configure the information that appears in the Subject line of the email.  The following options are displayed.
  4. Single Issue notification mail—Applies to single Issue notifications that go to Assignees or contacts.  
  5. Summary report mail—Applies to summary email notifications (which may list multiple Issues).
  6. Allow replies to escalations—If the box is checked, the Issue number and workspace ID are included in the subject, allowing users to respond to the email.
  7. Short list of what just changed—A summary of what was changed in the Issue that caused the email to be sent.  If you click the Edit icon in each of the columns, a pop-up window is displayed that allows you to specify whether to include changes to internal Issues or Employee fields.
  8. Text at top of message—Customizable message that is displayed near the top of the notification email.   Click the Edit  icon to display the page to create the message.  The checkbox must also be checked in that column.  The following variables can be placed in the greeting to include the subject of the email, the user’s name, etc.:
  9. Workspace Name—The name of the Workspace is displayed in the body of the notification email. 
  10. Workspace ID—Each Workspace is assigned a number within FootPrints.  You can include that number.
  11. Title—The Title of the Issue is displayed in the body of the notification email. 
  12. Issue Number—The Issue number is displayed in the body of the notification email. 
  13. Link to Details Page—A hyperlink to the Details page of the Issue in FootPrints (requires password authentication).


If you are using a custom login page for customers (e.g., group.html), that URL can be specified for Customers by clicking the icon in the customer column and entering the URL. This does not automatically bring the Customers to the Details page of their Issue; after entering their email address, the main customer page is displayed.  


If both text and html are checked, FootPrints includes both formats in the message.  For most Windows-type email readers (Outlook, Lotus Notes, etc.), only the HTML is seen.


For Issue Information and Address Book fields, custom email template settings override settings you specify on this page, regardless of whether the custom formatting is for text or HTML messages.  For example, if your Specify Email Content page specifies that the message is to contain only public fields in the Issue Information section and you specify an internal field in the custom email template, the custom email template overrides the other settings.  Refer to Custom Email Templates for details on how to include the settings on this page with the custom email.

  1. Enter a name at the bottom of the page under which this escalation email is to be saved.
  2. When you are finished configuring the template, click Save.

When you have finished configuring the escalation email template, it includes the fields and other options selected for the escalation rules that use this template.  Escalation email notifications are flagged with the "Urgent" flag (!) in Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes.