You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Email Management > Using FootPrints Email > Email Queries

Email Queries

To receive information from FootPrints via email, several email queries are available.  To query FootPrints via email, send an email to the incoming email account for the Workspace in question using one of the queries described below in the subject line.

General Queries

Queries to the Database

The following queries return data for the default Workspace for incoming email as defined by the System Administrator.  If different email accounts are defined for each Workspace, a query sent to a particular Workspace’s email account returns information based from that Workspace.

To return data for a different Workspace to which you are assigned where that Workspace does not have its own email account, the line Workspace=n can be placed in the body of the email, where n is the Workspace number.  It can alternatively be included in the subject line of the email in the form Proj=n.  The Workspace number can be retrieved with the listworkspaces query.  All searches are case-insensitive.

The following queries can be performed by placing the query in the subject of an email that is sent to the FootPrints incoming email account: