You are here: Chapter 9: Advanced Features > Email Management > Using FootPrints Email > Email for Customers

Email for Customers

If the administrator has enabled the incoming email feature, customers can submit Requests without logging in to FootPrints.  To do so, a customer sends an email to a FootPrints email account and it is processed as if it had been submitted via the web.  Information can be included in the subject and body of a regular email or a form can be requested (see below).

The field breakdown is as follows:

To submit workspace or Address Book field information:

  1. In the body of the email, include a line for each Workspace field to be submitted.
  2. The Workspace field data must be in the form:


For example, if the name of the field is Problem type and the data is Software, the line should be:

problem type=software


By default, FootPrints assumes that the data is contained on one line only.  For multi-line data, a single backslash (\) must be added to the end of each line.

  1. By default, the request is entered into the default Workspace for incoming email or to the Workspace defined for that particular email account.  To submit a request to a different Workspace, the following line must be included in the body of the email:


where n is the Workspace number.  You can obtain the Workspace’s number by submitting the listprojects email query.

Incoming email requests are checked for errors by FootPrints.  Data that is incorrectly formatted is not lost, but instead is added to the description.  For example, if the name of a Workspace field is misspelled, that line is placed in the description of the request.  FootPrints also checks for invalid data.  For example, if text is submitted for an integer type field, FootPrints does not create the request and sends the user an error message email.

Once a Request has been submitted successfully via email, it works the same as a Request submitted via the FootPrints interface.  Agents can take the Request and turn it into an Issue or the Workspace Administrator can assign it to one or more Agents.


Updates from Customers

Customers can also update an Issue via email. To reply to a FootPrints email notification:

  1. In your email reader (Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, etc.), select Reply to reply to a FootPrints email notification.
  2. Type your response above the line that states When replying, type your text above this line. In this way, FootPrints only takes the latest information that you add (eliminating duplication in the Description).  FootPrints does not append anything below the line to an Issue.
  3. Do not change the subject line of the email in any way; it contains important information about the Issue and Workspace IDs and is needed by FootPrints to update the correct Issue.
  4. Click Send to send the update to FootPrints. The Issue is updated within a few minutes. If the email rules are configured to send email updates to customers and/or assignees, email notification of your changes is sent.


When appending to an existing Issue, the FootPrints incoming email feature only takes the latest information from a reply (eliminating duplication in the description).

The message:

   When replying, type your text above this line.


appears in every FootPrints notification email.  Users must enter their reply above this line.  FootPrints does not append anything below the line to the Issue.