You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Edit Roles

Edit Roles

To edit a role after it has been created:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | User Roles.
  2. Select a role from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Edit Role Properties.
  4. Change the permission options for the role as needed.
  5. Enter your password and click Save.  The new permissions are automatically in effect for all users of the role.


Editing a Built-in Role

Built-in roles, such as Agent, Workspace Administrator, etc. can be edited, with one exception (see the note below). This affects all users in the workspace who have that role.  If you have not configured roles and you want to change permissions for all existing Agents, you can easily edit the properties of the Agent role. If you plan to assign different permissions to different groups of users, it is recommended that you leave the built-in roles unedited for future reference.


The System Administrator role cannot be edited or deleted; the permissions are displayed for reference only.


Editing a Linked System Default Role

To keep a system role constant throughout all workspaces, it should only be edited by the System Administrator on the System  Administration User Roles page.  A linked role can be edited by the Workspace Administrator from the Workspace Administration User Roles page, but this unlinks the role from the system.

To edit a system role from the Workspace Administration screen, and thereby unlink it:

  1. On the Administration | Workspace | User Roles page, select a system role from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Edit Role Properties.  The Permission Options page is displayed.  Because this is still a system role at this point, this page is read-only.  The properties cannot be changed by a Workspace Administrator.
  3. Select the option to unlink the role from the System Default Role.  A confirmation message is displayed. By unlinking the roles, any future changes made to the System Default Role will not affect this role in this Workspace.
  4. Click GO.
  5. Make changes to the permission options for the role as needed.
  6. Enter your password and click Save.  The new permissions are automatically in effect for all users of the role in the current Workspace only.

To re-institute the system role properties, edit the role again from the Workspace and select the option to Discard this role's properties and link it to the System Default Role.

To edit a system role in a way that will affect all workspaces, edit the role from the System Administration User Roles page.


This applies to both built-in and custom roles.