You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Working with Issues > Deleting an Issue

Deleting an Issue

To delete an Issue, click Delete on the Details page of the Issue.  Agents can only delete Issues that they created themselves.  Workspace and System Administrators can delete any Issue. 


Deleting an issue in this way does not remove the Issue from the database but only changes its status to Deleted which provide an intermediate step to archiving and purging Issues from the Workspace.  Issues with Deleted status do not appear in searches or reports unless specifically requested.

Workspace and System Administrators can also undelete an Issue.  To undelete an Issue:

  1. On the FootPrints Homepage, choose Deleted from the Display drop-down box.  All deleted Issues are displayed.
  2. Click Edit for the Issue to be undeleted.
  3. Click the Undelete icon at the top of the page. A new page is displayed with instructions to change the Issue status.
  4. Under Status, change the status and click the GO icon. The Status is changed and the Issue is returned to the Workspace.