You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Automated Workflow > Customer Survey

Customer Survey


Check local laws governing automated surveys before enabling the feature!

When this feature is enabled, a customer satisfaction survey is automatically emailed to customers when their Issues are closed.  The email with the attached survey is sent to the Customer in addition to the regular notification email, based on the rules specified under Administration | Workspace | Mail Preferences.

Surveys contain field data from the originating workspace (as opposed to the Customer Survey workspace), but the field names in the survey are all from the Customer Survey workspace and should be set there.


A Customer Survey workspace does not count towards the limitation of three workspaces for owners of the Base Starter Pack. Additional survey workspaces will count towards the limitation. Contact your salesperson for details on obtaining the Extended Starter Pack.


For the survey option to work correctly, outgoing email notification must be enabled for the system (under Administration | System | Email). 

To enable this feature:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | Automated Workflow | Survey from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. Place a check in the box to enable this workspace to send Customer surveys.
  3. Select whether you want to have surveys tracked in a FootPrints workspace associated with this workspace or if you want to create and use your own survey.


If you wish to use a FootPrints Workspace, you must create that Workspace in advance using the Workspace Setup Wizard and selecting the Customer Surveys template.

  1. Step 2: Configuration
  2. Subject of the survey email—Enter a subject line for the survey email. 
  3. Custom Message—The text entered here is included in the body of the survey email.  Certain keywords can be used that are automatically replaced by their associated values once the email is sent.  Click the Click here link to view a list of keywords.
  4. Step 3: Survey Criteria—Select when to send customer surveys:
  5. Send surveys for Issues with Closed Status - When selected, Step 4: Frequency displays options that are appropriate for sending surveys based on the Issue status.
  6. Send surveys for Issues based on Escalation Rule(s) - When selected, Step 4:  Frequency displays options appropriate for sending surveys based on an escalation rule.
  7. An Add New Escalation link allows you to create an escalation rule on the fly. Clicking the link displays the page for setting up an escalation rule.
  8. Step 4: Frequency
  1. If sending surveys based on status.
  2. Send surveys each time Issues get Closed
  3. Customers have a 1 in X chance of receiving a survey if they haven't received a survey in the last Y months.  Select the values for X and Y.
  4. For X: Choosing a value of 2 for X does not mean that a survey email is sent for every other issue that is closed.  It means that each issue closed has a 1 in 2 (50%) chance of resulting in a survey email.
  5. For Y: Indicate how often customers are allowed to receive surveys.  You may not want the same customer to receive more than one survey in a 1, 3, 6, or 12 month period.
  6. Allow on demand surveys - Checking this box adds a checkbox to the create/edit Issue screen to send the survey when the Issue is submitted regardless of other choices in this section and regardless of status.


You may want to send a survey for every issue that is closed, but only if that person has not received one in the past 1, 3, 6, or 12 months.  Use the second option and set the value of Y to 1 so that each closed issue has a 1 in 1 chance of sending a survey email.

  1. Enter your password in the Apply Changes section and click Save.