You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Customer Self Service > Knowledge Base > Customer Advanced Search

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search feature allows you to search the Knowledge Base using any combination of fields and advanced criteria.

To perform an advanced search, click Search under the Knowledge Base heading on the FootPrints Toolbar or click the link for Advanced in the top frame.  The Advanced Search page contains a combination of text fields, drop-down boxes, and radio buttons that allow you to search on any combination of criteria.  Each field acts as a filter.  Only enter or select the criteria with which you want to search.  Any field that you do not want to search should remain untouched.

An Advanced Search option is also available under the Requests heading on the FootPrints Toolbar.  This search, which has similar criteria options, returns the user’s Requests or, optionally, the Requests for the Organizational Unit, rather than Solutions from the Knowledge Base.  Any differences are noted below.

Note on Field Names

The names of many of the fields in FootPrints can be changed by the administrator (Title, Priority, Status, Description, etc.)  Custom fields can also be created.  For clarity, this manual uses the default terms for field names.

The options include:


Date/time fields can only be searched by date, not time.

A list of Solutions that match your criteria is displayed.  Click the Title of a Solution to view the details.