You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Creating Teams

Creating Teams

To organize users into Teams:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | Teams from the FootPrints Toolbar.
  2. Select the GO button to create a new team.  The Create a New Team page is displayed.
  3. Enter a name for the Team in the Team Name field.  Example names might be "Developers" or "Level 1 Support Team".
  4. Select members for the Team from the Available Agents multi-select field.  The individuals listed in the Available Agents field include the Workspace's administrators.  To select a member, highlight a user's name and click the right arrow button to add the user to the Members field. An unlimited number of users can be added to a Team and users can belong to multiple Teams. The pool of potential team members comes from the list of agents who are members of the current workspace.
  5. If you wish to designate someone as a Team leader, after you have selected the Team members, select the Team leader from the Team Leader drop-down field.


To see a list of current Team Membership for all teams, click the link for Current Teams.

  1. You can select the assignment method for Team members on this page as well. The options are:
  2. Leave assigned to Team—This is the default.  When a Team is assigned to an Issue, the Team name appears in the Assignee field for that Issue (on the Homepage, in reports, etc.)  Individual Team members can still be assigned by taking the Issue or via auto-assignment, escalation, or manual assignment.
  3. Assign individual member(s)—Select one or more Team members to assign to each new Issue that is assigned to the Team. The user(s) selected here are assigned to every new Issue that is assigned to the Team. If you want different Team members assigned to Issues based on another field, such as Problem Type or Location, use the Auto Assignment or Escalation feature.
  4. Assign all members—If this option is selected, all Team members are assigned individually to each new Issue that is assigned to the Team.
  5. Dynamically assign based on round-robin rule—When a Team is created with this assignment option, the first Issue assigned to the Team is assigned to the first individual in the Team list.  Each subsequent issue is assigned to the next Team member, and so on, restarting at the first position when the last person in the list has been assigned.  This option is applied to Issues that are assigned to a Team manually, via auto-assignment, or via an Escalation rule. This is useful for balancing the workload of Agents within a Team.
  6. Agent availability within the round-robin assignment is determined by one or both of the following options:


When selecting a date in a round-robin Team assignment, the date must be specified in the Workspace's work schedule.


Assignment options are not applied until the Issue is actually submitted.


Additional assignment options are available using the Auto Assign and Escalation features. To use round-robin assignment in conjunction with these, enable the options above and select the Team name in the Auto-assignment or Escalation rule.

  1. Select how email notifications are to work in the Member Privileges section of the page. There are three options:
  2. Always—All Team members receive email notification about Issues whether they are assigned only to the Team or to the Team and one or more members of the Team.
  3. Only when no individual agents are assigned—Team members only receive email notification about Issues when the Issues are assigned to the Team only and not assigned to individual Team Members.
  4. Never—Team members do not receive email notification about Issues assigned to the Team.

The frequency and content of the emails sent are regulated by the Workspace Mail Preferences.  If the Workspace Mail Preferences are set to send mail to Agents on Open and Closed statuses, but not in Pending Status, and Always is selected in the option above, then Team members receive email notification about all Team Issues when they are in Open and Closed statuses, but not when they are in Pending status.

Agents assigned individually to an Issue receive email according to the Workspace Mail Preferences, regardless of the rule above or whether the Team is assigned.

  1. When you are finished configuring the Team, enter your password and click Save.

The Team is now created and Issues can be assigned to Teams from the Create and Edit Issue pages.  Additional Teams can be created using the same method, with users as members of only one Team or multiple Teams.