You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Knowledge Base > Create Solution from Scratch

Create Solution from Scratch

  1. Mouse over the New Issue button on the toolbar and select Add to KB from the menu that is displayed. If you do not have the Add to KB option, you do not have permission to create Solutions.
  2. The Create Solution page is displayed. 
  3. Knowledge Base—Select the Knowledge Base to which to add the Solution. The Public Knowledge Base is viewable by customers and Agents. The Internal Knowledge Base is only viewable by Agents.
  4. Title—The Title can be used for a summary or brief description of the Solution or a question (e.g., “How do I…?”).


The Title field may have a different name (e.g., Subject, Short Description, etc.)

  1. Issue Information—Use the fields in the Issue Information section to categorize the Solution by problem type, product, etc.
  2. Description—Use the Description field to detail the step-by-step Solution.  You can use the formatting options (bullets, numbered lists, font options, etc.) to help display the Solution in the clearest possible manner.


The Description field may have a different name (Notes, Journal, Details, etc.)

  1. Use the Spellcheck option to review the spelling of your Solution.  Because Solutions are viewable by many users, it is important for the language to be as clear as possible.
  2. Attachments—Attach one or more files to the Solution. For example, you might attach a patch, an image file containing a screenshot, or a PDF file containing a product brochure.
  3. Optionally CC one or more people.  They receive a one-time email containing the Solution.
  4. Click GO.

If an approval is required, the Solution goes into the Pending queue, and the approvers are notified.  If no approval is required, the Solution is published to the appropriate Knowledge Base.

Refer to Approvals for more information.