You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > System Administration > Workspace Management > Create a New Workspace

Create a New Workspace

FootPrints provides three options for creating a new Workspace:

Whichever option is chosen, the Workspace options can always be changed later.  In addition, there is no limit to the number of Workspaces that can be created in FootPrints.

To create a new Workspace, choose Administration | System | Workspaces from the FootPrints Toolbar.  The following sections describe each method.

Workspace Setup Wizard

The New Workspace Setup Wizard walks you through setting up a new Workspace.  It includes many of the most popular options and uses, but it does not include all options.  If you use the wizard, you can easily go back after you have set up the Workspace and change or add to your Workspace settings.

To create a new Workspace, choose Administration | System | Workspaces from the FootPrints Toolbar.  Under Create A New Workspace, select Use the Wizard to create my workspace.  Refer to Workspace Setup Wizard for complete instructions.

Create a New Workspace on Your Own

If this option is chosen and GO, is clicked, the following information must be entered:

After you click GO, FootPrints changes to the new Workspace and displays the Workspace Administration page.  From there, you can add custom fields, settings, and users to the new Workspace.

Use an Existing Workspace Configuration-Copy a Workspace

This option allows you to copy the Workspace fields, Address Book, saved searches and reports, and other custom options from another Workspace into a new Workspace.


Copying a Workspace’s configuration does not copy the Workspace’s data.  It only copies the Workspace’s custom fields and other settings.

To copy an existing Workspace configuration:

  1. Check the radio button for Use an existing workspace configuration.
  2. Select a workspace from the drop-down list.


Clicking the View Details button displays the configuration information for that Workspace.

  1. Click GO.
  2. Enter a name for the new Workspace.
  3. Address Book—Select from one of the two Address Book options:
  1. Create a new address book with the same fields—This links the new Workspace to its own Address Book, which contains the same fields as the existing Workspace’s Address Book (does not copy data, only fields).
  2. Link to existing address book—The new Workspace shares the existing Workspace’s Address Book.
  1. Select whether you wish to copy the agents (not customers) when you copy the workspace configuration.  If you do not copy the agents, you must add them afterwards.
  2. Select the feature configurations to copy.  Any configuration items that are not listed are copied automatically.  If you do not check a feature, the settings for that feature are not copied into the new workspace.  Features are:
  3. Escalation
  4. User Teams
  5. Auto Assignments
  6. All Searches and Reports (this copies all shared, saved searches and reports)
  7. Service Level Agreements
  8. Change Manager
  9. Click GO.

The new Workspace is now created.  Click the View Details button to review the Workspace configuration, or click GO to go directly to the Workspace Administration page for the new Workspace.  From there, you can add users to the new Workspace and make any other changes necessary.