You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Working with Issues > Copying Issues > Copy Issue to the Same Project

Copy Issue to the Same Workspace

  1. On the Details page of the Issue, click Copy/Move.
  2. Select Copy in this workspace and click GO.
  3. A Create Issue page is displayed. The new page is pre-filled with information from the matching Issue.
  4. Click the checkbox to link the new Issue to the matching Issue, if needed (this checkbox is checked by default).
  5. Edit the new Issue as needed (editing does not affect the original Issue).
  6. Click the Save button to register the new Issue.
  7. If the "link" checkbox was checked, the link to the original Issue appears in the new Issue.  This link is only viewable by internal users, so customers cannot follow the link to an Issue that they don't have permission to view.