You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > System Administration > Other System Administration Topics > Broadcast Message

Broadcast Message

The System Administrator can broadcast a message to all logged in FootPrints Agents at any time. A broadcast message can either be displayed to Agents (internal users) in a pop-up window or sent to Agents in email.  In addition, the administrator can display or send the message to all Agents or can select specific Agents to receive the message.  If the message is broadcast in a pop-up window, any Agents who are not logged in receive the message the next time they log in.

To broadcast a message to users:

  1. Select Administration | System | Broadcast Message from the FootPrints Toolbar to access this feature.
  2. Click one of the radio buttons to specify whether to display the message in a pop-up window or to send the message in email.
  3. Enter the message in the text box provided.
  4. In the Select receiving user ids field, highlight the user ID of each user who should receive the message. Hold down the CTRL key to highlight multiple users.  All Agents who are currently logged in to the system are automatically highlighted, but the message can also be sent to users who are not currently logged in.
  5. Click GO.
  6. The users receive a pop-up window with the broadcast message. If a user is not currently logged in, it is displayed for that user at his or her next login.