You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Address Book Administration > Populating the Address Book > Adding Additional Fields from the Table to FootPrints

Adding Additional Fields from the Table to FootPrints

In Step 4, the last step in the configuration process, you can add additional fields to the Address Book that are available in the external data source table.  The final page for configuring the additional fields is identical to the page you use to add new fields to a FootPrints Address Book or Workspace, with the addition of the External Database Field drop-down list.

To configure additional fields for the Address Book:

  1. Click on the drop-down list of fields in External Database Field.
  2. In the Name field, enter the name that FootPrints uses for this information.  You can use the same name used in the external data source.
  3. Define the Permissions for FootPrints users.
  4. Click Create Field.  The field is added to the Field List.
  5. Continue adding fields until you have all the fields from the external data source that you want to include in the Address Book.
  6. Select a Primary Key from the field list to be used to find issues related to the specified contact.

Note for Access Users

If any records in the external database are missing data in the Primary Key field that you select, FootPrints cannot find those records.  This is a specific characteristic of Access.

  1. If required, select a field to be used as the Organizational Unit.  This is useful for reporting and searching.

When you have finished, click Finish.