You are here: Chapter 7: Configuration and Administration > Workspace Administration > Users & Roles > Add Existing Customer User to Current Project

Add Existing Customer User to Current Workspace

Customers can belong to multiple Workspaces. Customers from other Workspaces can be added to the current Workspace from the Add Customer page.  The Workspaces must share the same Address Book and primary key.

To add an existing Customer to the current Workspace:

  1. Select Administration | Workspace | Customers | Add Customers from the FootPrints Toolbar. Users from other Workspaces can be added in the top section of the page.
  2. If you know the user ID, enter it in the field provided.
  3. To browse from a list of users, click Select Customer. A pop-up window is displayed. If there are a large number of Customers in the system, the pop-up window may take a long time to display.

There are three options in the pop-up:


Only Customers from Workspaces that share the same Address Book with the current Workspace are listed.

  1. To add a user to the Workspace, click the user ID in the pop-up.  It is added to the User ID dialog box. Multiple IDs can be entered space-separated either manually or by using the Select Customer dialog.
  2. When you are finished adding Customers to the Workspace, enter your password and click Save


Notes on Customers in Multiple Workspaces