You are here: Chapter 8: Using FootPrints > Executive Dashboard > Activity Report

Activity Report

The Activity report is a line graph that shows how many issues were active for a specific period so that you can observe the activity at various points. For example, if you tracked activity during the month, you might see how many issues were created on each day, how many were closed on each day, etc. This enables you to see where activity spikes for different statuses. The agent configures the metrics for the report.

The Activity report displays each line with a different color and different data point shape. If based there is no data for a selected metric, then the line for that metric is a flat line on the X axis. If there is no data for any of the metrics, then no lines are displayed at all.


Customize the Activity Created, Activated, or All Activity Report

To customize the report, on the Executive Dashboard page:

  1. Click the pencil icon beside the title of the report. The customization fields are displayed.
  2. Name field—In the first field, where it says Activity "Created", "Activated" or "All Activity", enter a name for the report.
  3. Metric—Specify the metric to be used for the report. Options are:
  1. Qualifier—Select data from This time period or the Previous time period.
  2. Time period—Options are:
  1. You can filter the Activity Report based on up to six fields, as follows:

The Address Book fields listed will be the fields from the Address Book that is currently associated with the Workspace.

  1. 3D Effect—Checking the 3D Effect checkbox produces a three-dimensional view of the report.
  2. Click Save to save the customization or Cancel to clear the form.

Format of the Report Output

When the report is displayed, it is formatted along the X axis of the graph as follows:

When the label is The report shows
Hour The hour of the day (for example: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00) starting at 1:00 AM and ending at 24:00 PM.
Day The date using the Operating System date format of the client (for example: April 29, 2017) starting at the date of the beginning of the specified time period. Each day is labeled until the end of the time period even if there is no data available for the end of the time period.
Week The date using the Operating System date format of the client starting at the date of the beginning of the time period. There is a day for each day of the week to the end of the time period, even if there is no data available for the end of the time period.
Month The date using the Operating System date format of the client starting at the date of the beginning of the time period. There is a number for each of the days of the month to the end of the time period even if there is no data available for the end of the time period.
Quarter The date using the Operating System date format of the client starting at the beginning of the time period. There is a week for each of the weeks of the quarter to the end of the time period even if there is no data available for the end of the time period.
Year The date using the Operating System date format of the client starting at the date of the beginning of the time period. There is a month for all twelve months of the year to the end of the time period even if there is no data available for the end of the time period.


Activity Drill-down Report

By clicking on a data point in an Activity report, an agent can view a Drill-down report. A Drill-down report displays additional details of the Activity data. All of the metrics support the Drill-down reporting. The Drill-down report displays a list of all the issues that make up the selected data point. The issue numbers in the report are clickable links. When the issue number link is clicked, the issue is displayed in FootPrints.

Exporting the Drill-down Report

Agents can export Activity data to either Microsoft Excel or PDF format by clicking the associated icon. The report shows: